Double face Metatron and Flower of life in rhodium on 925 silver, mother of pearl backdrop and Swarowski crystal. sacrede geometry spiritual
Double face pendant in Rhodium on 925 silver. One side Mretatron and one side Flower of Life with Swarovski crystals Sephiroth.
The cube known as Metatron takes name by the same Archangel, known as God’s scribe. It contains every shape that exists in the universe God has created combining male and female aspects.
Within the cube thirteen spheres of female eneregy lies drawing the Fruit of Life, in the middle of which male straight lines are irradiated. In its shapes a triangle and two cubes are also created by six line started from the middle.
It also contains all five Platonic Solids, symbolizing the underlying patterns of our universe: Star Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron, Dodecahedron.
Found in the most sacred places on Earth, its pattern evocates each form in nature as it is known. For the first time it appeared in the Temple of Osiris built in 1650 ac. Its shapes hidden the fruit of life and it presents a triangolar lattice form, with circle radii equal to their separation is called a seven overlapping circles grid. It contains six circles intersecting at a point, with a seventh circle centered on that intersection. The flower of life have been used frequently and it’s widespread due to its greatful spiritual power, fori stance it is found inside the Temple of Ibis, inside Etruscans warriors helmets, in Chinese, Jews and Celtic traditions too. Ten fixed crystals inside the jewel represent ten spiritual symbols, called the 10 Sephiroth of Kabbalah. Each Sephiroth is a specific aspect of God, so when put together in the Tree of Life, they depict the name of God in the act of reveal Himself and continuously create both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.
Main features: it gives balance, protection, harmony.
Main features: it inspires creation, it developes new ideas, it dissolves energy blocks, it gives energy.
The use of symbols has been used for centuries by shamans, initiates of esoteric doctrines and aristocracy from all over the world. All that exists is a “dense” manifestation of an energetic frequency. In other words, at the base of everything there’s a vibration, a movement. The speed of this movement , which is the frequency, is the one that determinates the shape that is perceived. The energy field is therefore an information field and each existing information field has its own precise geometry as all the particle beams form geometric figures. Hence, the need to wear geometric designs that, conveying precise information, impact on the human electromagnetic field by raising the frequencies of well-being. To obtain an impeccable result, however, there’s a need for the production to be of the highest quality. To create ESOTERICA jewels we use sophisticated processing techniques and materials of the highest quality, such as silver 925 and 24 karat gold which are excellent conductors and natural mother of pearl, conductor of oceanic energy which is the element from which life originates. Furthermore, at the end of the process, each individual talisman is cleaned up by radionic technology and finally energetically charged.
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